Thursday, October 28, 2004

today was great

just return home feeling tired and reeking of alcohol and cigg smell.eww! it was clubbing at chinablack. so we did managed to enter. xinnn me shar mich phia and zi wei. he's sucha lucky guy to have 5 oh-damn-hot gurls with him. HAHAHAHAHAHA. it was really great. and shar wore this really short dress and she even went braless! how brave shar hahahha. zi wei was really nice he even bought us drinks thanks dude. so the whole time was nonstopclubbingtillourbodiesachebutwedontgiveashitandcontinue. oh man loads of things happened hahahaha it was really funny. oh oh we were all damn thirsty so we decided to go to macs and get some drinks. but it was bloody closed. so shar charmed the guy cos she was braless and got a free drink. hahaha hmmm or was it mich?either one la. ok shit and i spoted a cutie and can i not frigging believe that shar and mich said that he was looking. AT ME LA THEN WOT? okokok stop the damn shit but he's cute! and he was practically dancing beside dumb can i get? and not once not twice but the whole frigging time. he's some dude wearing long sleeves with jeans and brown shoes i think. yesyes i did noticed im always so damn observant. so if some dude out there who went chinablack on wed 27th of oct wearing wot i jus described, yes im talking bout you!ur cute ya maybe i can see u again next time. so we club till the club closes. soooo damn tired. but im looking forward to the next one. babes lets go rockin' at the dance floor once again aye? jus shake your booties here and there and do that thang that thang that thanggggggg.


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